New site on Mighty Networks to provide better access and discussions with biohacking guru Nat Niddam
It’s been several months in the making, but today, November 03, Niddam announced the opening of the hub on MN to her Facebook Group and followers and colleagues.

In her intro on the new site, Niddam shared “I have created this community to create a safe space for consumers and practitioners alike to connect and discuss all aspects of health optimization. As your host, I will provide content, information, guidance and access to other leaders in this space so that we can all learn and grow together.”
Like many other MN groups, the site has a subscription price ($14.99 per month) but those fees are more to enable administrative functions to work more smoothly than to create a profit. Nat Niddam will also offer additional coursework (like her Peptides Crash Course) via the site.
And, of course, one of the bigger benefits will be access to Nat’s comments, and a growing bank of group knowledge as the MN site develops. Niddam will also be featured in our expert resource section in ThisMidlife’s new eBook, Biohacking Beginnings.
If you’re interested, Here is TML’s referral link