Bo Eason, the ridiculously talented speaker and author of There’s No Plan B for Your A Game is keen on explaining that no one starts out settling for less. We all begin with a gold-medal aspiration, and as life happens (jobs, houses, taxes, payments, kids, health), most of us slowly adjust our sites. Maybe the bronze is good enough …
Maybe it truly is. You see, winning it all requires a mix of hours of practice, talent in bigger spoonfuls and luck. It’s never an even set of ratios, but we do know the rehearsals/practice eat up a lot of the time because it is FOCUSED effort and energy. Maybe you had other interests. Maybe you had lots of other things going on. Maybe life just got in the way.
So, then we ask, are you happy? Are you safe and loved? Do you approach each day with peace or is a steady diet of angst, disappointment and blame on your plate each day?
Humans are competitive. We spin tales of the victorious, and admire others while simultaneously tearing them down. We compare, and often let all the ego-driven self-talk tell us we’re not worthy while never admitting “settling for less.”
So how do we correct this course? At This Midlife, we help clients with a simple assessment and a questionnaire that informs our team in determining opportunities, plans for areas of need like fitness, weight management, personal happiness, aging and even financial considerations. We pair you with experts who ARE NOT drill sergeants, but rather guides who will do the work to help shape a higher arc for the next chapter of your life.
When you unpack life’s any challenges, prioritize the next steps and make improvements achievable, you get to look at a lot of silver and gold-medal outcomes you can claim in relatively short timeframes. You are not competing against “the best,” because that’s a myth. You are competing for yourself, and ultimately by putting a wealth of consistent counsel, practice and support to work, you are the winner. That makes chapter two so great.
Don’t get caught settling for less … book your assessment today.