What a week, as “quantum energy” tech and awareness is either making its debut, shining in Black Friday sales or gaining more awareness from a decades-in-the-making online course. And, just as keto (good, dirty and otherwise) has lathered up fitness fanatics and biohackers for years, this new (but ancient) form is becoming the new norm in mindful performance.
First, let grapple with a definition of quantum energy. It would seem simple, right? Alas, it’s not that clear-cut as the whole notion of quantum energy has gone from assumptions and some relatively “woo woo” methods and ways around the topic.
So what exactly is ‘quantum energy?’
Suffice it to say “quantum” is a measurement denoting how much or how great, and in scientific discussions it’s the minimum required to initiate a reaction. So big or small, you need the quantum to make things happen, even at the most basic level or protons, atoms, etc. and physicists and inventors for over a century have been describing the effects of multiple types of energy (outside conventional terms).
When we look into the interpersonal role, it’s about harnessing this type of energy to change your biology, your environment and perhaps your entire way of thinking and being. Whoa.
We have three paths to explore here today to give you some insights into where you can go to learn more and begin your own quantum energy journey, but there are so many other reference points and people including Ben Greenfield, Joe Dispensa and David Hawkins to explore.
First, let’s get into some of the early history of harnessing quantum energy for your personal power. Dr. Jean Houston is a researcher, scholar and philosopher who has worked in 40 cultures and over 100 countries and has authored 30 books in a 53-year career. Her long tenure includes advising world leaders and the UN in such fields as social artistry.

Her most recent program is a 7-week online course entitled Unlock Your Quantum Powers, where Houston challenges the basics of our “centuries old” operating system that keeps us overwhelmed and underachieving. She is prepared to help you harness a “tremendous supply of power, energy and joy,” by revealing five quantum powers, and then instructing you how to apply these powers to address and overcome your limitations.
Suffice it to say this is yet another trip around the block of self-help and goal achievement, but with a twist. Tapping into spirit, deeper resources of personal energy and universal forces to gain clarity around your purpose, desire and means to achieving virtually anything is a deeper dig. That you can learn it in seven weeks is certainly a plus, but we’re betting mastery requires more study.
The real bonus here is that Houston is offering it via Evolving Wisdom’s (listen to the intro recorded call here) platform at roughy half of the standard cost, and because it is all online you have unlimited access to the lessons to revisit any time. If you are at all interested in studying the basics of quantum energy for your own life path, this is a no-brainer and the easiest way to start. Unlock Your Quantum Powers. $397.00 via Evolving Wisdom.
The second entry into quantum energy comes in the form of a unique set of tools to harness QE in the form of quantum healing from Leela Quantum Tech (Sale this week too, use code BLACKFRIDAY). It’s a pretty easy leap into using their products for accessing various flavors (frequencies) of energy and for blocking others (like EMF’s) for healing and focusing intentions for better outcomes. A lot of the initial attraction comes if you’ve been around other users or read accounts of applying any of the LeelaQ energy-imprinted cards or charging food, jewelry, water or clothing in one of the Leela Blocs.
There is a measure of taking that “quantum leap” here as you’re learning first about the possibilities, witnessing the anecdotal accounts, learning about CEO & Founder Philipp Von Holtzendorff Fehling, and exploring some of the science (derived from a “collaboration between physicists and world-renowned healers”) so you can then adopt some of the technology in everyday life and activities.
So the question here is “what if?” Like what if these quantum energy gizmos do protect me from EMF waves, increases the intentions and energy in my home, my food, my water and actually makes me stronger in a world where so many other energies are at work?
Larry Pham (@longevitylarry) works as a coach and innovator in the biohacking space, and he was not only an early adopter with Leela, he makes it an integral part of his coaching and counseling.
“I use it and recommend it to clients as a ‘“’root cause’ tool,” says Pham. Having an improved level of consciousness adds to one’s resilience and isn’t that the goal of life, to be resilient enough to take anything that gets thrown at you? To live life knowing you’re resilient in every way is what we should all aspire to do.”
Our third item is no less steeped in the quantum energy science matching the realm of physics and intention to produce healing and healthier modalities for every-day products and systems. Analemma is a tool that “transforms regular tap water into its supercharged, full-spectrum, coherent state.”
Designed in the form of a small quartz glass wand, the Analemma is filled with coherent water that in turn structures the molecules in your drinking water to revitalize your mind and body.

The Analemma developers have tested everything from glycan age (a determinant of biological age) to using an EEG to study brain waves and performance via their coherent water use. The company also has measured +/- 300% upsurges in the electrical capacity of treated water with the idea that the energy is absorbed by the recipient (plant, human, pets).
Analemma is relatively new to the U.S. and is in the personal “testing” arsenals analemma Wandof leading hackers such as Dave Asprey and Nathalie Niddam. We are also testing the wand at ThisMidlife and intend to report further in early 2023.